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https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/tabledap/IADC_s1_ctd https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/tabledap/IADC_s1_ctd.graph public CTD data set from mooring S1 @ 1000 m Timeseries recorded at the mooring S1, at nominal depth of 1000 m during different deployments. The scope of the measurements is to study the temporal variability of the thermohaline properties of the Norvegian Deep Water, and assosiated deep flow.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id (Id of the station in the TimeSeries)\nlongitude (longitude position of the station, degrees_east)\nlatitude (latitude position of the station, degrees_north)\ndepth (vertical distance below the surface, m)\ntime (Date and time of the measurement, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nTemperature (Time series of sea water temperature at 1000 m nominal depth from mooring S1, degree_C)\nsea_water_practical_salinity (Time series of sea water salinity at 1000 m nominal depth from mooring S1, PSS-78)\n https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/IADC_s1_ctd_fgdc.xml https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/IADC_s1_ctd_iso19115.xml https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/info/IADC_s1_ctd/index.htmlTable https://metadata.iadc.cnr.it/geonetwork/srv/api/records/2298c267-0e42-4bb8-8196-d2076fdf6d8e (external link) https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/rss/IADC_s1_ctd.rss https://er1.s4oceanice.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=IADC_s1_ctd&showErrors=false&email= OGS IADC_s1_ctd

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