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griddap | Subset | tabledap | Make A Graph | wms | files | Accessible | Title | Summary | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Info | Background Info | RSS | Institution | Dataset ID | |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | public | CMEMS - CORA: Coriolis Ocean database for ReAnalysis | The COriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis (hereafter \"CORA\") product is a global dataset of in situ temperature and salinity measurements. The CORA observations comes from many different sources collected by Coriolis data centre in collaboration with the In Situ Thematic Centre of the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS INSTAC). The observation integrated in the CORA product have been acquired both by autonomous platforms (Argo profilers, fixed moorings , gliders , drifters, sea mammals) , research or opportunity vessels (CTDs, XBTs, ferrybox).\nFrom the near real time CMEMS In Situ Thematic Centre product validated on a daily and weekly basis for forecasting purposes, a scientifically validated product is created. It s a \"reference product\" updated on a yearly basis since 2007. This product has been controlled using an objective analysis (statistical tests) method and a visual quality control (QC). This QC procedure has been developed with the main objective to improve the quality of the dataset to the level required by the climate application and the physical ocean re-analysis activities. It provides T and S weekly gridded fields and individual profiles both on their original level with QC flags and interpolated level. The measured parameters, depending on the data source, are : temperature, salinity. The reference level of measurements is immersion (in meters) or pressure (in decibars).\nCORA contains historical profiles extracted from the EN.4 global T&S dataset, World Ocean Atlas, SeaDataNet, ICES and other data aggregators.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth][latitude][longitude]):\nPSAL (practical salinity, PSU)\nPSAL_ERR (Practical salinity Error, PSS-78)\nPSAL_PCTVAR (Error on salinity (% variance), percent)\nTEMP (sea temperature, degree_Celsius)\nTEMP_ERR (Temperature Error, degree_Celsius)\nTEMP_PCTVAR (Error on temperature (% variance), percent)\n | | | | | | | Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) | INSITU_GLO_PHY_TS_OA_MY_013_052 | |||| | | | public | MEOP - Animal-borne Profiles | MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole) is a consortium of international researchers dedicated to sharing animal-derived data and knowledge about the polar oceans.\nSince 2004, several hundred thousands profiles of temperature and salinity have been collected by instrumented animals. The use of elephant seals has been particularly effective to sample the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. Other seal species have been successfully used in the North Atlantic, such as hooded seals. These hydrographic data have been assembled in a quality-controlled database, the MEOP-CTD database.\nThese data are profiles of temperature (°C). Each profile is located in space and time. It must be emphasised that the dataset of each individual CTD-SRDL has been edited and corrected separately, as a given CTD-SRDL has its own specificities in terms of data accuracy and quality of the estimated correction. A post-processing procedure is applied on hydrographic data in order to ensure the best possible data quality. For more details, please visit\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\ndata_assembly_center\ndeployment_code\nfirmware_parameters\nfirmware_version\ninstr_id (Instrument ID)\nlocation\nnation\nPI (Principal Investigator)\npi_name (Principal Investigator Name)\nplatform_code\nreference_file_name\nsmru_platform_code\nspecies\nwmo_platform_code\nDATA_TYPE\n... (42 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole) | MEOP_Animal-borne_profiles | ||| | | | public | NOAA - GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP) | 1 X 1 global mapped field of anthropogenic carbon content from the GLODAPv2 data product. Mapping is performed using the DIVA software (Troupin et al., 2012). Error fields are calculated using the clever poor mans error calculation method in DIVA (Beckers et al., 2014). The error fields represent the mapping error only, and does not include measurement or calculation uncertainties in the input data.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [depth][latitude][longitude]):\nCant (moles of anthropogenic carbon content per unit mass in seawater, micro-mol kg-1)\nCant_error (anthropogenic carbon content error, micro-mol kg-1)\nCant_Input_mean (bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nCant_Input_std (standard deviation of bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nCant_Input_N (number of data in bins)\nCant_relerr (relative error)\nNO3 (moles of nitrate per unit mass in seawater, micro-mol kg-1)\nNO3_error (nitrate error, micro-mol kg-1)\nNO3_Input_mean (bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nNO3_Input_std (standard deviation of bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nNO3_Input_N (number of data in bins)\nNO3_relerr (relative error)\nOmegaA (aragonite saturation state calculated at in situ temperature and pressure)\nOmegaA_error (OmegaAr error)\nOmegaA_Input_mean (bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nOmegaA_Input_std (standard deviation of bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nOmegaA_Input_N (number of data in bins)\nOmegaA_relerr (relative error)\nOmegaC (calcite saturation state calculated at in situ temperature and pressure)\nOmegaC_error (OmegaCa error)\nOmegaC_Input_mean (bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nOmegaC_Input_std (standard deviation of bin averaged input data, micro-mol kg-1)\nOmegaC_Input_N (number of data in bins)\n... (61 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Global Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP) | GLODAPv2_2016b_MappedClimatologies |